Facebook Author Page

A Facebook Author Page is free advertising! If you have a Facebook account it is easy to set one up. It is not possible for people to get to your personal Facebook page from your Author Page. Your author page will be public and available even to those who don’t have a Facebook account.

Since Facebook is constantly changing, I will not give specifics on how to set one up. However, you can simply do a search for “Facebook author page” and you will find lots of help.

A few tips:

  • Pick out a name that is either your author name, the name of your book, or something that is relevant. Make it simple.
  • Put a picture of your book right at the top and/or make it the profile picture.
  • Create a post that will be pinned to the top that contains links your author web page, the Amazon page for your book, any other important links.
  • Whenever you get a review on Amazon, take a screenshot of it and post it here.
  • Keep an eye out for items in the news that is relevant to you book and post about it with a link to the news story.
  • Stay away from politics, your kids & pets, and super personal stuff.