
  • Marketing Overview

    Marketing Overview

    Whether you self publish or not, you are going to have to do your own marketing. Web page – Have a web site that is the same exact name as your author name.  You can buy a domain name that is the same name as your book and tie it to your author site. You…

  • Excellent Product

    Excellent Product

    The #1 marketing advice I can give you is to have an excellent product! Think about the old Christian movies (without wrinkling your nose!). Although the messages were really good, the products often were not. Compare those to movies of today like The Passion that grossed over a half a billion dollars! That movie did…

  • Self Promotion

    Self Promotion

    Don’t get all humble when it comes to self promotion – you’ll only hurt yourself by not getting your book out there. Here are some ideas: Talk about your book! It’s your passion – when you talk about what it’s about, that passion will get others excited about it. When people ask what you do,…

  • Through Amazon

    Through Amazon

    Write up an engaging and suspenseful description of your book by using active voice. If you know how, use some html code to change the font attributes (color, bold, italics). This will help people to stay on your book page and read the description. Once your book is for sale, setup up an author page…

  • Facebook Author Page

    Facebook Author Page

    A Facebook Author Page is free advertising! If you have a Facebook account it is easy to set one up. It is not possible for people to get to your personal Facebook page from your Author Page. Your author page will be public and available even to those who don’t have a Facebook account. Since Facebook is…

  • Author Website

    Author Website

    Notice I didn’t title this “Book Website.” That’s because many of today’s popular authors are putting out so many books that it makes sense to only have an author website that contains all their books. Readers are used to this, so it’s good to go with the flow on this. Your website name (domain name)…