
Most published books today have reviews on the very first few pages. You don’t need these, but as an unknown author it’s a good idea to have them.

Who are the most visible people that you know? Send them a copy of your book in .pdf format (electronic or hard copy) and ask if they would consider writing a review that you can include in the front matter of your book. This will serve two purposes – 1. Hopefully they will provide you with honest feedback that might lead you to change a few things (including the ever-present misspelled words!) and 2. They will be your best marketers because they’re name is in your book! My pastor told our congregation that he was published while holding up my book. Ha! – that was awesome!

Include the reviewer’s name and title with their review in your book.

Once you get reviews for your front matter and your book is published, ask these same reviewers to put their review up on Amazon and/or GoodReads (send them a copy of what they wrote in case they no longer have it).